
邪惡的燒鵝肶 @ 波記燒臘粉麵店



燒味和白飯實在是最佳拍檔,一下子,我便吃掉半碟飯。以前的苦力勞碌半天,能於中午吃上碗熱辣美味的燒味飯,真正飽肚又滿足。當年好的燒味店定必俯拾皆是,現今文職居多的香港,午餐比較講求健康。雖然好味,但要我每星期食燒味飯,實在太邪惡了吧~ 還是少食多滋味,遠一點也沒所謂,期待遠征元朗,試試天鴻的出品~!


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Fresh ingredients with mediocre techniques @ Ole Spanish Restaurant

My colleague has recommended this Spanish restaurant to me ages ago. As her annual leave is multiple times than mine, she can take a half day leave and have lunch in weekdays here. Failed to withstand her urge, I also took a half day leave and came for a lunch which was definitely not worth for.

There were not many choices for the 3-courses set lunch. CM and I both go for a salad as appetizer. My choice was bell pepper salad with goat cheese. It was not a crunchy salad. The sweetness of bell pepper and the slight tanginess of goat cheese blended so well together. 

CM’s tuna and egg salad was refreshing too. It was difficult to go wrong with this classic combination. 

Instead of ordering two main courses, we picked the seafood paella (for two to share) which I believe most first comers would do the same. The paella was placed on the
There were many squid pieces but only a few prawn and mussels. I really missed the generous portion of seafood in Fandango’s. 
The rice was quite chewy and moist. It was slightly sweet with a hint of prawn. However, I did expect heavily seasoned rice. This one was far worse than the Fandango’s which used lobster broth to cook the rice. What made it more disappointing is the lack of toasted rice at the bottom which was the most enjoyable part~!
After the disappointing paella, I did not have much expectation on the desserts. For the sake of fresh ingredients, my poached pear was safe. The taste of wine and sweetness were well balanced. This light and fresh dessert was a good pair with the seafood paella.

On the contrary, CM’s crème brulee was less appealing. The sugar crust was too thick that we could hardly break it. I was so disappointed with the chef’s sloppy cooking. Luckily, the pudding was very smooth and creamy even though it was a bit too sweet to me.

It was not a stunning lunch as I expected. If you work nearby, you can have a go. If not, there are still better choices in town. Don’t know if dinner would be a better experience, but I will not return for lunch anyway.

Ole Spanish Restaurant

Food: wwwww1/2w
Environment: wwwww1/2w


感激我遇見 @ 10 Greek Street





傾得忘形的我倆,渾然不覺店內已滿座。店員很細心地將我的酒和主菜一齊送上,好友的主菜是crumbled goat with mash。切開羊肉餅,滿佈絲絲的羊肉,不臊卻挺有肉味,而且煮得軟腍入味,薄薄的外層又煎得香脆,沾點gremolata aioli,更香更好味。於英國食薯蓉幾乎不會錯,只有好和更好之分。幼滑又富薯香和牛油香,邪惡得叫人欲罷不能,水準不和薯蓉專門店有得比。

有如此鮮魚,怎能沒白酒,這裡的餐酒價格相宜,絕對是causal dinning 之選。
Apple fino更是令人驚艷,fino薄如蟬翼,比得上酒店級的出品。蘋果蓉香甜不膩,夾雜些許蘋果粒,更具層次。焦糖醬的甜度拿捏得好,不會搶去蘋果蓉的味道,和vanilla 雪糕真是絕配。在這小店能找到如此水準的甜品,實在意外。
雖然只喝了一小杯酒,離開時卻帶醉意,是這夜的我太陶醉了吧~ 能於我最愛的地方和我最好的朋友相聚,那份愉悅實在難以形容。相識十五載,除了CM,無人比你更了解我,希望到相識二十年、三十年之時,我們又會於我倆最愛的地方慶祝。無論遇到甚麼困難或傷心事,我都會記得感恩神讓我遇上你。

10 Greek Street

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