
澳洲café遊 — Market Lane Coffee @ Melbourne


在墨爾本最後一天,返酒店拿行李之前,趕到附近的Market Lane Café。雖說是café list上首5間,卻因最近酒店而放到最後。Café 位於Queen Victoria Market,逛完market來杯咖啡最好不過。都說Melbournian愛咖啡,即使只賣咖啡,人客依然絡驛不絕。
手沖咖啡用上蜜處理的La Fany,濃郁的酸梅味,混和蜜糖甜,味道很豐富,是很成功的一支蜜處理豆子。特別喜愛這店用來盛載手沖咖啡的白瓷杯,手工細緻,感覺優雅,可惜售價有點高,當時我不捨得買了,現在倒有點後悔。

另一杯flat white,以澳洲的高標準而言,同樣出色。牛奶幼滑,與咖啡融合得好,於果酸之外,突出咖啡的甜,甘香於口腔中纏擾,不肯離去。這支豆味道比較平衡,與Brother baba Budan 的風格截然不同,但一樣得我心。回港後不久,上環便開了間以marketlane 咖啡豆作招徠的咖啡店—Brew Bros Coffee—香港人實在有福。關於該店的review,我再另文詳述。
在墨爾本數天,嚐到太多好咖啡,最重要是澳洲人實在太友善,而且這裡的空氣清新、節奏緩慢,實在教我身心放鬆。要每天都飲到好 咖啡極為容易,咖啡店比麵包店還要多。可惜此外,教我感興趣的活動不多。間中放慢腳步,閒遊數天是不錯的,但不足十天,我已開始想念工作了。或許解決方法 是將咖啡與工作結合,工作於娛樂,自己打理間café~

Market Lane Coffee
Shop 13, Prahran Market/163 Commercial Road, 
South Yarra VIC 3141, Australia
Food: wwwwwwww1/2w
Environment: wwwwwwww


There is still Hope - Sweet as Hope Bakery @ Taipei

Taipei is one of the few places in Asia other than Tokyo and Hong Kong where you can find a few genuinely good patisseries. Sweet as Hope, opened by Chef Robert Hope, the former Head pastry chef at Savoy and Executive pastry chef in Futian Shangri-la, is definitely one of the best among the competitive Taipei patisseries.

I visited Sweet as Hope immediately after landing with an empty stomach expecting a rather sweet lunch. In fact, the lunch consisted of only sweets, but one has to keep the pretence when travelling with CM, who clearly lacks the imagination to eat just sweets for lunch. To ensure that I would miss nothing, I pre-ordered Scottish Trifle and Whole Candied Lemon, both signature desserts of Chef Hope.

A freshly baked cinnamon roll marked the beginning of my noontime-feast of sweets. Compared to the one I had at Nordic Bakery in London that was sinfully rich in flavour, Chef Hope’s version was lighter but no less pleasant. The edge of the roll was crispy as chips and the centre was soft as marshmallow. Chef Hope’s roll was definitely better baked.

I also ordered a glass of iced coffee. Compared to the superb specialty coffee shops in Taipei, this did not stand out.
As that was CM’s birthday, I ordered the strawberry almond cake for him (a prelude of my Victorian sponge for him when we were back to HK). He claimed that the cake was the best he had since our honeymoon trip. Apparently the cakes in HK could not satisfy him. The almond cake was moist and dense, with an optimum degree of sweetness to complement the strawberry without overshadowing it. He was glad that he agreed to skip the lunch to have all these desserts with me – see, always listen to your wife!

The Scottish Trifle was my favourite. It contained several layers: chocolate, whisky-infused custard cream, hazelnut custard, fresh raspberry, jam and sponge cake soaked with whisky. The chocolate layer became even creamier when you eat it with the super-moist sponge cake. The richness of the chocolate and whisky complemented with each other while the lightness of custard cream and the sourness of raspberry both gave a healthy dose of balance. I put the spoon deep down into the bottom to get all layers in a bite - what a complex mixture of taste and texture! Each layer may be ordinary when alone, but together they made a complex and sophisticated experience. I would definitely come back for this dessert.


Apart from the Scottish trifle, the Whole Candied Lemon was another signature dish that has to be pre-ordered. The lemon was hollowed and candied with syrup – the process alone consumes the better half of an hour even for masters like Chef Hope. He then filled it in with lemon custard and grapefruit. One could hardly forget the glorious moment when it was sliced open with lemon curd oozing out. The lemon skin was very aromatic but the custard was a bit less sour and lemony than I expected.

While we were still enjoying our desserts, the lady owner asked us if we wanted to try their soufflé. It must be pre-ordered and ordered for 2 portions minimum. We were lucky to share it with another customer. The soufflé was fresh from the oven behind us. Its golden crust reminded me of what I had at The Ledbury in London. This one was less sweet and a bit floury. Speaking of texture, the one at the Ledbury was better, but the one here was also excellent.

I keep only a short “must-visit” list for Taipei, most items on it are cafes. Sweet as Hope is one of the few patisseries that is on my list. Perhaps I should consider taking Chef Hope’s class when I visited Taipei next time!

Sweet as Hope Bakery

Food: wwwwwww1/2w
Environment: wwwwwww1/2w