
未見真章 @ 一杯鐵板燒居酒屋

早已聞說apm開了間大阪燒餅店,甫上我的wish list,已進佔頗高位置。每次到日本,大阪燒餅和拉麵、壽司、甜品均為我必食之選。

可惜事與願違,給下午茶弄得飽到無朋友,結果晚上實在食不下燒餅,未見一嘗師傅功架 > <
偷瞄到隣桌的魚生很新鮮,便點了三色刺身。索價$160,雖是厚切,但僅有9塊,水準自然不錯,不僅新鮮肥美,更滿有魚味,個人最愛吞拿魚,入口溶化~ 是與價格成正比的出品

沙律菜很新鮮,加了櫻花蝦點綴,和白飯魚芝士一樣,帶微鹹,為沙律添層次~ 白飯魚芝士很得意,只是這方式根本食不出芝士味,可謂趣味十足,卻非會再點的菜式。

雖然沒試名身大阪燒餅,但總能試一點燒物吧~ 眾多款蔬菜肉類都不合我胃口,最後要了燒蕃薯,實在失策~
CM則聰明得多,要了燒手羽先~ 他說雞肉嫩滑入味,和神屋流的出品差不多
一串手羽先怎可能夠CM食,燒餅和蟹肉炒飯兩者中,他選了後者(亦是我未能嘗到燒餅的原因 > <)

訂了6:45,訂位時要求8:15交枱;6:52入座,7:00點菜,到7:40炒飯才到,隣桌比我們遲點的炒烏冬都早已食完,要待我倆追單後20分鐘才到,好明顯是漏了單吧~! 要我倆半小時食完炒飯是沒問題,但如此服務,分總要扣點吧~



Food: wwwww1/2w
Environment: wwwwww


能延續下去否?@ Cafe Loisl


CM一心帶我來食apple strudel,可惜週末才有售,遂改食sacher cake,而CM就要了他最愛的mille-feuille

 咖啡機是具信心的半自動機LaMarzoccoBarista的技術亦不賴,奶泡打得綿密,奶香充足,espresso base亦夠甘香,令人滿意~

sacher cake稍為乾了點,尤幸朱古力味香濃,香滑的忌廉減低了膩滯感,是地道之作,這當然毫不意外,畢竟老闆娘是奧地利人嘛~ 同樣因為我不愛忌廉的關係,這件生日蛋糕就沒去年那件般得我心。兩年都是以奧地利蛋糕作生日蛋糕,未知來年能否延續,成為我倆的傳統?

CMmille-feuille最為出色,有別於香港常見的香脆鬆化的酥皮,這裡的mille-feuille做法更貼近傳統版本。同樣由多層酥疊成,共三層千層酥和兩層custard cream,面層掃上糖漿,更為香甜,而酥皮是鬆化卻帶點濕潤的,custard cream雖滑,卻呈稠身點的狀態,介乎於卡x奇妙醬和花生醬之間,而且蛋香和雲呢拿十足,和CM以前於歐洲食到的一樣,不知不覺食畢整件仍不覺膩。
蛋糕和咖啡,多寫意的下午~ 至少讓我遠離繁重的工作和生活,尋回旅遊的閒心。謝謝你的適時調整,步伐一致,是為了走得更遠吧~

Cafe Loisl

Food: wwwwwww

滋潤過秋 @ 一品齋








It’s just a poolside bar @ Fish Bar

Although I can hardly swim, swimming pool can always, for reasons yet to be known to the point of writing, attract me in summer… Having lunch at a poolside bar or something might be a good idea to satisfy my desire. This drive for swimming pool landed me to Fishbar, a poolside restaurant in JW Marriot.

My first impression to Fishbar was like going to a resort; the wooden furniture and the waiters’ tropical outfits enhanced this feeling.

It was not difficult for us to order as the menu did not offer too many choices. We had the lobster and crab cake as appetizer, with battered sole and pan-fried barramundi as main dishes. We were prevented from ordering too much by the thoughtful waiter who advised that it would be too much for us if we were to order mussels as well…. I am glad that he had done so!

Without wasting much stomach space on the baguette, which was mediocre at best, we focused instead on the outstanding lobster and crab cake. The crabmeat and lobster were fresh and generously portioned. The pan-fried sides were crunchy without being too oily and the inside was as creamy. The homemade tartar sauce was the highlight of the dish, as its refreshing lemon and vinegar taste lightened the heaviness. Perhaps it is just me, but I think it would be better to share the dish as it was still a bit too heavy to finish them off alone.
good to share

generous portion of crabmeat~
can't eat without it~
When I was waiting for my main dish, the brats in the pool splashed some water on me. Accident? Who knows? One could hardly avoid it as there were only a few bushes separating the bar and the pool.

The main courses came with 3 side dishes: mixed greens with vinaigrette, corn and creamed spinach. I love spinach, especially served with cream, but the spinach was tasteless this time.

it would be better with some cheese
CM’s main dish was battered sole with chips. Thick-cut chips are my favourite! They are firmer and less oily. Chips here were not bad. As for the fish, it was a bit of a disappointment. The batter did not separate from the fish; good, but we thought it could be a little bit thinner. Sole is good to be served battered; it has a mild and buttery flavour which does not need much seasoning, and the batter helps preserve its taste. The fillet was buttery and flaky as expected. CM found it satisfactory at the first few bites; however, parts of the fish were undercooked. The margin between halfway decent and perfect is slim indeed.  
look like the one I had in London

some parts were undercooked
My main dish was pan-fried barramundi with potato mash. I was more impressed by the mash. It was smooth and augmented with the small potato pieces inside (my favourite style~) that provided a healthy dose of twist to its texture. The fish skin was crispy but too salty. While CM’s fish suffered from undercooking, mine was overcooked. I understand that barramundi is not as tender as sole or cod, but it should not be that coarse-textured! Even the snapper I had in W52 was tenderer than it.

mine is overcooked
Beside the unsatisfactory fish dishes, the environment was less than desirable, particularly in summer (a good reminder to the stark contrast between fantasy and reality). The few overhead fans worked hard to drive away the terrible heat of the place, which was not air-conditioned. It would not be a problem if the ventilation system of the kitchen worked. It did not; the bar was soaked with the oily smell from the kitchen…
Even with 15% off DXX visa card discount, I still have to pay 400 HKD per head for this; it was far off the mark of “reasonable price”. After all, it was just a poolside bar!

Fish Bar


我的相處之道 @ 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA

曾經,我會希望另一半會了解我的喜好,畢竟我倆走在一起的日子已不短。同時,心中有聲音提醒我:他不是你肚裡的蟲~! 多得內心那聲音,我不會因為對方的安排不合我心而吵架,繼而指控他不了解我,這只停留在希望階段。如果自己都不確定,對方又怎可能一撃即中?是以今年的生日飯,我表明想食意大利菜,不要生日蛋糕,cut cake就好了,想簡單悠閒的過~ 反正當晚要送我最好的朋友機,第二日又到我自己上機,不想太勞累~

CMHK Epicurus的食評信心較高,特別是西餐,加上他聲稱今年的主題是咖啡,禮物和用膳地點都和咖啡有關(not very convincing though XD),是以選了8 1/2 Otto作我Birthday lunch的地點。

weekday來中環區午膳,當然會早點來,避開人潮。來到時只有三、四枱食客,以business lunch為多。3道菜lunch menu,上菜前先來麵包藍,當中有我喜愛的tomato foccacia,可惜蕃茄味不夠香濃,味道一般;Olive bread很多olive,外層很脆,內裡很多氣孔,雖夠軟熟,卻感覺不夠實在;其餘的都很平庸~

CM的頭盤是蕃茄沙律,至少有3種蕃茄在內,全都新鮮清甜,加入沙律菜和哈蜜瓜粒,簡單的拌以橄欖油,清新開胃得不得了~ 這道菜的重點是用料夠靚和新鮮,配以初搾橄欖油,食的是食物的天然味道,是我倆都喜歡的菜式~ 


我的Mushroom soup 香濃極了,菇菌味和奶油香充斥口腔,拌勻面層的橄欖油,提昇了湯的幼滑度,絕不比tomato salad遜色~

我的主菜是Pacific codcod一如所料的新鮮,輕煎過的兩邊帶些許金黃,魚肉夠flaky之餘,嫩滑得可滑進喉;附以香橙蕃茄醬,清甜的味道和cod很配,伴碟的薯蓉較淡口,可見cream落得不多,個人認為這更好,不會搶去味道淡的cod的風頭,廚師將cod的特點突顯出來,盡顯心思~
CM向來愛海鮮多於牛,是次竟點了Tagliata of Tajima Sirloin 作主菜。五成熟對CM而言剛剛好,牛肉鮮味又濃郁,保持嫩滑且充滿肉汁,入口豐腴,份量雖少,卻更適合作上班族的午餐,不會因太飽而打瞌睡嘛~
到我最期待的甜品環節,跟餐的是chocolate trio,另外再散點了是次的主角—coffee trio—既切合主題,又是我最愛的甜品~
chocolate trio熱朱古力,朱古力撻和雪糕。依常理,自當先食雪糕,朱古力味夠濃,再飲熱朱古力的時候,卻顯得淡薄,且奶泡空氣太多,如果綿密些會更好;最後的朱古力撻朱味最為濃郁,餅底亦香脆,一小件實在滿足不了我~

coffee trio相對更為出色。咖啡雪糕咖啡味濃,甘甜之間取得微妙的平衡;tiramisumascarpone cheese幼滑味美,底層的咖啡啫喱令整體咖啡味更濃郁,頗欣賞這配搭帶來質感上的新鮮感;最令人讚嘆的是coffee tart,和之前的chocolate tart相似,中間換成了coffee cream,咖啡和朱古力這絕佳拍擋自然沒令我失望,再來多數件都能掃清的佳作~ 咖啡迷絕不能錯過~!

coffee tart咖啡味濃郁,推介~
最後侍者奉上petit four,我仍沉醉滿足於之前的甜品,這petit four則顯得可有可無。只試了數顆朱古力和biscottiCM則淺嚐其餘糖果,都是不俗的飯後甜點~


之後便轉戰coffee shop尋覓杯好咖啡,延續這個「咖啡」主題birthday celebration,亦為我這年的生日飯劃下完美的句號~

8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA