
走遍英國的歲月 - 蘇格蘭精品咖啡代表


於愛丁堡最後的一天,終於能到我此行其中一個重點—Artisan Roast。其本店設於Glasgow,愛丁堡則有兩家分店。




這裡有自家烘焙的咖啡豆,亦有供應給餐廳。雖然於倫敦已買了數包,但既然來到,我怎忍得下手?最後選了Malawi geisha咖啡豆,卻因現金全花光了,店內又只接受現金,只好點了杯v60在店一試。

等候之時,看到此告示。的確,這裡的氛圍不似J.K Rowling會久留之地 : )

Malawi Geishahand drip£3,便宜得嚇人,更重要的是barista手勢很好。橘子味道鮮明,尾段帶點酸莓味,就如飲果茶一樣。有點後悔拖到最後一天才來,未能嚐到更多。

Artisan Roast
57 Broughton St, Edinburgh

Food: wwwwwww1/2w
Environment: wwwwwww


Stuck on the way up? @ Upper Modern Bistro

As there is only a handful of places in town that offer hearty French bistro cooking, I was excited to see what this new “modern bistro” can offer. I lowered my expectations, however, after I read the close-to-monotonous description of the several signature dishes and the decor of the restaurant in many of the previous reviews. Anyhow, I found an opportunity to find out if the restaurant is a genuine article.

The decor of the bistro was anything but exciting. Maybe I am not a big fan of modern chic design, but I just have difficulties understanding what the decor is telling me about this restaurant and its food. Maybe it is part of the problem: this place is a “modernised” bistro, but instead of enjoying the interesting tension between tradition and modern, I found myself slightly disoriented.

Alas, the menu shared the problem of the decor. Many traditional classics in a bistro such as beef stew and confit duck were absent, or could I find many modern twists. We had a hard time to pick an entrée and two mains; we almost decided to have a second round somewhere else.

Foie Gras Crème Brulee sounded very interesting. The dishes that combine sweet and savory usually works for me, but this one was not among them. The foie gras crème was smooth, albeit a bit watery. The taste was too light and so was its texture. Again, I just did not see the tension between the sugar crust and the foie gras.
The baguette, on the other hand, was better, as it was crispy outside and soft inside. My only problem was the rather bland butter and table salt. 

The first main dish was a mushroom tagliatelle with 63 degree egg and parma ham. The tagliatelle was chewy and flavourfulthe best part of the dinner. While the creamy cheese sauce worked well with the egg, the parma ham was insignificant.

The chicken “demi deuil” was a rare dish in Hong Kong – it was, however, a real disappointment that night. We did see black truffle stuffed between the skin and flesh of the chicken parts – no problem with that. But the truffle failed the dish. We were like eating braised chicken with black fungus in Chinese style – not itself a problem – except that the chicken was bland and not tender.
I read about the background of the chef and found that he was the chef of St. George. I recalled what I had and found the two experiences pretty consistent. The food was okay, good perhaps, but lacking in something to make it truly interesting. If I dined in a lovely historical structure like 1881, I would be more willing to pay for this dinner with this price, but not in a “chic” bistro. There are gaps, not intriguing tension, between the decor, the food, price, and the positioning of this restaurant. With time, I hope, these gaps can be filled; after all, the food was by no means bad in local standard.

Upper Modern Bistro
6-14 Upper Station Street, Sheung Wan

Food: wwwwww1/2w
Environment: wwwwww


走遍英國的歲月 – 教人難忘的香甜house blend

剛過去的聖誕新年假,我又回倫敦了。行程中少不免到訪不同的咖啡店,可惜很多咖啡店都於這些時節休息,連我喜愛的Kaffeine Prufrock都沒開。幸好,今次列入行程的新店都教我很滿意,總算勉強滿足了我的咖啡胃。



Ozone設置Probat UG22烘焙機,自家烘焙咖啡豆,咖啡豆的水準有保證。嘗過其Ozone blendespresso, flat white, latte cappuccino,更能嚐到此豆的特色。


Flat white才是驚喜,奶打得尚可,至少夠flat。入口迎來一陣朱古力香甜,這非來自熱牛奶的lactose甜味,而是咖啡豆的甜,很能突出奶香。將其朱古力味道發揮得淋漓盡致,是我在這店嚐到最出色的一杯。


Ozone又推出了Christmas blendmedium dark roast,建議沖製方式包括aeropress。本來欲點杯嚐試,可惜barista說沒有recipe,只能用其製espresso,只好點杯Christmas blendflat white
相比起house blendChristmas blend的果酸更突出,欠缺前者的香甜,個人認為不太適合用以製奶類咖啡,用來作手沖可能更適合。最後,我亦買了包回家。這Christmas blend尚算不錯,口感頗圓渾,果酸不嗆,可惜略欠層次和驚喜。



以倫敦top café而言,Ozone的奶泡打得不夠好,仍欠滑溜,與PrufrockWorkshop Coffee Co.有段距離,希望有機會嚐到Ozone其他barista的手勢。每次寫倫敦的咖啡店最熬人的就是勾起我對它們的思念再訪倫敦,要待到年末了吧~

Ozone Coffee Roasters 
11 Leonard Street

Food: wwwwwww
Environment: wwwwwwww